My story (part 1)

It all started with a desire for freedom, I could see that employment would no longer suit me. I needed more, more meaning in what I did, more freedom in my professional and personal life, but above all a desire to create a place that resembles me.

Ready-to-wear and fashion have always been a way for me to express my personality, my identity. This environment has always attracted me, which is why I had the idea of ​​opening my ready-to-wear boutique.

This idea had been maturing in me for several years already.

My daughters were older, more independent, I told myself that it was the right time to do something that I love and to which I could dedicate myself 100%.

I started with the name of my store which is a perfect mix of my daughters' names. Then the premises which had been vacant for a few months, I passed by every day imagining "MY" ready-to-wear store. Then “THE” discussion which started the one with my darling who supported me from the start.

A few weeks of work later, on April 21, 2022, I opened my ready-to-wear and accessories store for women and men JELISA Boutique.

In the two months following the opening, I had a multitude of ideas to sustain and develop my business. I was on cloud nine, I had found my rhythm, the customer response to my store was great, everything was going well beyond what I could have imagined.

I had found meaning in what I was doing.

But because there is always one, but... life decided that we needed to spice things up a little and had a little surprise in store for me...

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